Real Estate Drone Photography – Las Vegas


Consideration Prior to ordering Real Estate Aerial Photography

  • Check if your HOA allows Drone Take Off and Landings on HOA Grounds to shoot home and parks.
  • Gated Community HOA’s tend to upkeep streets, this can be considerd part of the HOA Grounds.
  • You may want to let your neighbor know that a drone will be flying around your home – not theres.
  • Neighbors may need an education on the difference between a Telephoto Lens Paparazzi use versus a wide angle lens on drones.

Drone Photography in Las Vegas?

Virtual Tours Las Vegas was formed in 2010 when the YouTube channel gained traction from house walk through videos of me walking through homes for sale during the recession. Out of town home buyers enjoyed seeing more ways to preview the home beyond a single still photo of the front of the house.

Over the years, the shaky video premise was dropped as I focused on Real Estate Still Photography offerings and 360 Virtual Tours. Today, my Professional Real Estate Photography ranges from HDR Real Estate Photos to Matterport 360 Virtual Tours with some slides on videos and now drone photos.

The legalities of using a drone for commercial purposes has placed Las Vegas in a sticky predicament. Las Vegas is surrounded by airports affecting a no fly rule within 5 miles of any airport. This leaves about 20% of the valley available to fly in with fewer flight restrictions.

A violation of that rule could result in a $10,000 FAA fine-able offense. Some drone operators fly unlicensed and package real estate photos without gaining approval from the FAA. This could result in a fine later for you marketing drone photos unlawfully.

I am an early adopter of the FAA UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Part 107 License back in early 2017. I can get authorizations to fly in certain areas of town depending on a properties proximity to airports and hospitals. Contact me to see if we can get you Real Estate Drone Photography in Las Vegas the legal and safe way given our weather conditions.

Professional Real Estate Photography Questions

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